Arthur Hammer, Leslie Bender and Jenny Nelson

Figures and Abstractions

January 27, 2011 through March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011. There will be a reception for the artists on Saturday, January 29th from 6 – 8 PM. All are welcome.

Although a painter for over 40 years, Arthur Hammer’s first career was in the theater, which actually included performing on Broadway. In the late 1980s he decided to relinquish his acting career and devote himself entirely to painting. He opened his own gallery in New York featuring American Painting of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s — works from the W.P.A. in particular. Hammer’s own paintings closely resemble the 11" minute="0">11-5pm, closed Wednesday. You can call the gallery at (518) 828 1915 for directions or more information, or see the show online at

Arthur Hammer

Jenny Nelson

Leslie Bender