Juicy and Wet
Robert Cartmell, Andrew Dupont and Jessica Houston
Reception: Saturday Feb. 4 from 6 to 8pm
February 2, 2006 through March 12, 2006

Carrie Haddad Gallery is proud to present Juicy and Wet - three contemporary painters. The works of Robert Cartmell, Andrew Dupont and Jessica Houston will be on exhibit from February 2 through March 12 2006. An opening reception will be held on Saturday February 4 from 6 to 8pm.
Robert Cartmell is an internationally recognized artist. He received his B.F.A. from the University of Chicago and his M.A. and M.F.A. from the University of Iowa. He has had a distinguished teaching career at the State University of New York at Albany since 1971. In a catalog essay of Cartmell's work, Dan Cameron, states "Cartmell's distinctive touch comes through particularly in his drawings, which are often more explicit in their references to daily life. Many of Cartmell's paintings actually depict the roller coasters that he has made one of the focal points of his life, although he often deploys them as a metaphor for the risks and excitement that face all of us in the process of day-to-day living." Of his own work Cartmell states, "I am happy working with these balances and will always love paint for what is—juicy and colorful, loving and erotic.”
Andrew Dupont was born in Danvers, Massachusetts in 1969 and currently lives and works in Athens, New York. He received a B.F.A from Syracuse University. Dupont was the recipient of a grant from the Sam and Adele Golden Foundation in 2001. Duponts large scale works allow the viewer to immerse themselves in a sonic sea of color, with a nod to the freedom of brushwork and palette that Monet's late water lily paintings embodied. His free approach to painting is the beginning of this young artist's development of his own vision.
Jessica Houston's paintings are about water and its inherent tendency to form an organic whole by joining what is divided and uniting it in circulation. She states that water awakens the sensuous intellect. The experience of swimming brings home the feeling of our natural circulatory systems flowing in rhythm with the greater bodies of water covering the planet. The element of breath, and lack of, is involved in this process. When the body is immersed in water, the skin becomes a thin membrane between interior and exterior liquid, dissolving boundaries, as air moves inside and outside of the body. Disintegration leads to reintegration and regeneration. Houston received her B.A from the University at Albany and her M.A. and scholarship from Columbia University. She currently lives in New York City.
Carrie Haddad Gallery is located at 622 Warren Street in Hudson, New York. Gallery hours are Thursday through Monday from 11pm to 5pm. For more information please call 518.828.1915 or visit the gallery online at www.carriehaddadgallery.com