Tony Thompson

With the exception of some European painting I paint the landscape I know best, Nantucket and the Hudson River Valley. I hope my paintings reflect my love for that landscape. I am interested in the light and atmosphere of particular times of day and seasons of the year. Hudson River School painters such as Gifford, Kensett and Inness are among my favorites.

Landscapes (small)

Landscapes (Large)


Anthony Thompson attended Dartmouth College, has a BFA degree from Rhode Island School of Design and an MFA from Cornell U. He has taught at Cornell, Parsons school of Design and other colleges and universities. He has a graduate degree in Psychology and has written and lectured on the neuropsychology of art. His work has been exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Institute for Contemporary Art, Boston and many other institutions in this country and in Europe. He lives in Hudson, NY with the sculptor Margaret Saliske.

Selected Exhibitions

Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston

Museum of Modern Art, New York

Allersma State Museum, Groningen, Netherlands

Carrie Haddad Gallery, Hudson

Hoorn-Ashby Gallery, NYC


Dartmouth College, Rhode Island School of Design (BFA)

Cornell U. (MFA)

New School for Social Research (MA Cognitive Psych.)

Awards and Fellowships
Fellowship Fondation des Etats-Unis, Paris

Artists Fellowship State of Mass. New York

State Arts Council CAPS Grant.