David Dew Bruner

After a 15 year gap in my career from making art, a death in the family in 2011 was the catalyst that prompted me to once again pick up my pencil. The first series was a familiar one - the beloved oak tree of the south which I had drawn since I was first taught the skill in 1972. I have always loved art history and seeking inspiration, I began looking at other artists, eventually discovering the work of Graham Sutherland. A single detail in one of his drawings set me off down the trail of re-interpreting/digesting/re-assembling his and others’ works. The original source of inspiration often gets completely lost in the new work but the concept remains intact. I spin and riff off of others’ ideas and by doing such, the viewer and I, gain more insight to the original work while experiencing something altogether new. I seem to return to the marks that Sutherland makes on some of his abstract drawings and turn them into my own. I have so far used A. J. Drysdale ( live oak series), Graham Sutherland (The Sutherland Project series and the Figure), Picasso (Equus), Constables cloud studies (Painting a whisper), Manet's Olympia (Olympia series) and Velasquez's Infanta Margarita (Infanta Margarita series). And an important part of my drawing experience comes from the story about Rauschenberg erasing a deKooning drawing. I loved the idea that something else was on that sheet of paper - pre-existing images; ghosts of other hands; total mystery. Some drawings may have up to 4 drawings on the page that I have erased; sometimes all that is left is the indentation of the mark which will only be visible when there is shading or a smudge.

Photo of David Dew Bruner

Equipoise Still Life Exhibit 2023


Infanta Margarita


Sutherland Project

Balla Duchamps

Winged Victory

Throughout history the winged goddess Nike has symbolized victory and has been chosen by many to represent power and freedom over adversity. I have used this spirit at this moment when mankind has come together to free themselves from the coronavirus plague that has brought us to our knees. With the arrival of the vaccine and the restoration of hope - Nike flies triumphantly forward in these images. I have tried to captured this passion, movement and power that this ancient goddess inspires. The viewer can imagine themselves in this role through the anonymity of this famous icon, racing with the wind towards a new and positive thinking future.

Mixed Media Collage

Olympia Series

Other Works on Paper


Africa Series


Installation View


Waterlilies & Calla Lillies

Janus Women




Bachelor of Landscape Architecture – 1978

Bachelor of Fine Arts – 1978


Master of Landscape Architecture – 1984


New York City Department of Parks

Deputy Administrator of Riverside Park – 1984-1999

World Trade Center

Landscape Architect – 1999-2000

Bette Midler – New York Restoration Project

Landscape Architect – 2000 – 2001

Residential Landscape Architect – 1995 to present


New York Botanical Gardens – Bronx, New York

Instructor – 1987 to 2014

Columbia University – New York, New York

Lecturer – 1994 – 2014

Gallery Representation

The Source Gallery

San Francisco, Ca. – 1980 – 1983

Mitchell-Thompson Gallery

New York, New York – 1992- 1994


Hudson, New York – 2011- 2014

Carrie Haddad Gallery

Hudson, New York - 2015 to present


Mrs. Nan Swid

Ms. Mary Stuart Masterson

Hugh Dancy and Claire Danes

Robert and Roby Whitlocke

Henry and Alison Stolzman

Georgetown University

American Express


Mariott Marquis – Times Square