
David Paulson, Juan Garcia-Nunez, Scott Nelson Foster, Jane Bloodgood-Abrams, Vince Pomilio and Harry Orlyk

December 12, 2013 through January 19, 2014

MELANGE – An exhibit that has something for everyone.

The current exhibit of fine art at Carrie Haddad Gallery (December 12th through Jan 19) features the following artists; Jane Bloodgood-Abrams, Harry Orlyk, Vince Pomilio, Juan Garcia-Nunez, Scott Nelson Foster and David Paulson. A reception for the artists takes place Saturday, December 14th from 6-8pm. All are welcome.

Featured artist Juan Garcia-Nunez works in a multitude of mediums including painting, film and photography. This show will feature a selection of his paintings spanning two decades. There will be several pieces from his series Crossings, which consists of large paintings on plexi-glass which are used as negatives to make contact prints. Garcia-Nunez’s bizarre subjects are dressed in contamination suits posing with animals. Both the painting and print are displayed in tandem. Another of Garcia-Nunez’s series, Insolents, features show-horses posing precariously as part of the décor in antique clad rooms. Almas y Dientas, is made up of dozens of alternating,small paintings of saints and teeth. Surreal. Juan Garcia-Nunez teaches art at Duchess Community College and has been exhibiting with Carrie Haddad Gallery for almost 20 years

The exhibit features landscapes by two of the galleries’ long-time artists, Jane Bloodgood-Abrams and Harry Orlyk. Having a 21-year work relationship with Carrie Haddad, Ms. Bloodgood’s work has become a fixture at the gallery, with it's monumental compositions of sky, cloud and earth. Bloodgood-Abrams often begins with plein-air sketches, later transforming them into emotional epics within her studio. “The paintings are worked over a period of time in a very intuitive manner, with layers of paint, applied, wiped away, and allowed to dry between sessions to be worked over again,” says Bloodgood-Abrams. This push-pull process allows an evocative image to emerge.

Harry Orlyk, who grew up in the Albany area, and still lives in NY, creates works much differently from those of Bloodgood-Abrams. With a mantra of “the day is my model,” Orlyk makes a painting a day to document the rich farmland of rural NY in the rich spirit of the farmers who work the land. His landscapes are thick with paint and glow with the color and light of the changing seasons. Orlyk, a master plein-air painter, has exhibited with Carrie Haddad Gallery for over 15 years, and has developed a sizeable following. Recently, his paintings have been published in a beautiful book produced by The Clement Art Gallery in Troy NY.

Scott Nelson Foster’s grey scale watercolors offer a very different take of small-town New York State. Choosing seemingly abandoned suburban landscapes and focusing on architectural details, lack of action and the suburban expanse, Foster reveals the ghosts of what once was. Tract-houses, churches, and trailer parks are forever faded in his little memoirs. Foster teaches art at Siena College, writes a blog, and lives in Albany with his wife.

Painter David Paulson evokes a darker, more pensive landscape of human emotion inspired by the New York School of painters. His heavy lines and deeply intense hues convey the struggle and grittiness of an earlier time. The Ghent-based artist says, “I search for poetics- -an encounter again with an aspect of the self. It’s like being a composer. Melody, harmony and rhythm carry the internal content to a certain form.” Paulson has created these smaller paintings especially for this exhibit.

The gallery is also excited to show the continuation of Vincent Pomilio’s “Big-Little” series. This Columbia County/NYC painter works with acrylic paint, wax, plaster and marble dust. By taping over his previous layer, Pomilio creates an array of geometric shapes that give the work a multidimensional quality. Whether painted on paper or on panel, these new works have a vibrancy that has become Pomilio’s trademark.

David Paulson

Harry Orlyk

Jane Bloodgood-Abrams

Juan Garcia-Nunez

Scott Nelson Foster

Vincent Pomilio