Ralph Stout
Ralph Stout graduated from Bucknell University in 1960 with a degree in mathematics and an enduring interest in the visual arts. Despite the demands of a series of day jobs, he always found time for artistic pursuits, and when the opportunity finally arose to devote all of his time to the arts, he pounced on it. Over the past several years, Stout has become an accomplished abstractionist. His acrylic paintings on canvas and board, which often exploit the tension between the putative foreground and the background of an image, are colorful, hard-edged and to the point. His works on paper reveal a draughtsman's attitude toward abstract form and his photographs a critic’s take on the human condition. Stout currently lives and works in East Hampton, NY.
Small Studies
Drawings (22 x 30 inches)
graphite and acrylic drawings on 22 x 30 inch Arches paper